Submitting Articles
Articles may be submitted by Methodists or others from anywhere in the world, not only from the Leeds North East Circuit.
An item for inclusion on this website must be the original work of the author. It must be based on scholarship, have intellectual depth and be written to the literary standard expected at university level. It will normally be at least 1000 words long and have a bibliography or list of citations.
If the work has been published elsewhere, the author(s) must have the right or seek permission to republish it on this website.
Any quotation or illustration from other sources must be permissible within copyright law and properly referenced according to normal academic conventions. Citations should be referenced using the Oxford method, the MRHA method, the Harvard method, or another academic method of equal standing.
An item must be in the broad general fields of philosophy, ethics, biblical studies, theology, liturgical studies, religious studies, religious history or the sociology or psychology of religion. Poetry, prayers and meditations are not wanted, nor writing that is merely devotional, evangelical or polemical. Sermons may be considered if they contain some scholarship-based exegesis or theological analysis that is out of the ordinary. There must be evidence of and a stimulus for intellectual reflection.
Items should preferably have a Methodist connection, or fit within the broad parameters of Methodist doctrine, ethos and concerns, or a constructive critique of them, and reflect a liberal, Arminian theological outlook. Explicit reference to Methodism is desirable but not essential.
The editors may ask for work submitted to be abbreviated, expanded or altered before agreeing to publication, or may refuse acceptance if the work is judged to be inappropriate for this platform.
No payment will be made for any work published.
Items should be typed as editable documents in DOC or DOCX format. Illustrations, tables and diagrams should be supplied separately as JPG or PNG images, not embedded in the text document. The author(s) should include a brief profile of a few sentences to identify themselves, along (optionally) with a photograph. Submissions should be emailed to