Stan graduated with a BA in Animal Physiology in 1968 and then spent the next 3 years on a DPhil in Human Physiology. He then completed his medical training at the London Hospital, qualifying as a doctor in 1974. The next 34 years were spent working as a clinician in the NHS, but he continued with research, gaining a Doctor of Medicine by thesis in 1989. He has published over 60 papers on physiology and clinical medicine in peer reviewed journals. However, his main interest in medicine was his patients and the development of his junior colleagues and he took on an increasing role in service development and supervision of training schemes as the years went by.
Stan began training as a Methodist local preacher in 1984, going on full plan in 1987. Following his retirement from the NHS in 2008 he studied theology at Leeds University with a BA in Theology and Religious Studies in 2014. He has been a tutor of local preachers in the Leeds North East Circuit.
Stan has always been a Christian and central to that has been a belief in the truth of the Bible. However, he has had to reconcile that position with the challenges of science and also the human and ethical challenges of medicine. This has led him to an interest in the way we use language to express our beliefs both to ourselves and those to whom we have to explain them.