The Library was established in 1999 primarily for the use of local preachers, ministers and worship leaders in the Leeds (North East) Circuit. Others who wish to borrow, including preachers from other circuits in the Leeds District, and people who are not preachers, may do so. The collection, which is housed in the Circuit Office at Lidgett Park Methodist Church, is accessible:
Books may be borrowed and returned by post provided the borrower pays the postage costs. For more information contact John S. Summerwill
New borrowers:
If you are not a minister, local preacher or worship leader in the Leeds (North East) Circuit, please fill in a registration slip. You will find these in the tin on top of
the cupboard.
Each book contains a record card.
To borrow books:
• Please write your name (legibly!) and the date on the record card.
• Leave the card in the tin.
To return books:
• Please retrieve the record card.
• Write the return date on it.
• Put the card back in the book.
• Return the book to its proper place on the shelf. (The books are in classified order as in this list.)
Alphabetical by TITLE |
[Bell] | The late Peter Bell | [DR] | District Resources Officer | [*TM] | Loaned by Tim Morris |
[BR] | Beryl Rogers | [JSS] | John S. Summerwill | [RB] | Richard Bryant |
[C&JG] | Christopher & Joan Gardner | [MPH] | Methodist Publishing House | [PW] | Paul Welch |
[Craske] | Jane Craske | [PHar] | Peter Harper | [GH] | Geoffrey Haselden |
[GL] | George Lovell | [RC] | Robert Creamer | [PD] | Patricia Davies |
[MH] | Mary Haves | [KA] | Keith Argyle | [JM] | John McNeill |
[SHow] | Susan Howdle | [PHow] | Peter Howdle | [SP] | Stanley Pearson |
MP | Mary Patchett | MPr | Michael Prince | RBC | Robert Creamer |
ND | Norma Davey | HW | Hazel Walton |
Copyright © John S. Summerwill 2020. All rights reserved. |